Personal branding is a great benefit as well.

JUBA –  After the sound of gunfire fell silent in Southern Sudan, marking the end of one of Africa’s longest running civil wars, Pio Kowr Ding decided he would return home to the autonomous region to take up an agricultural research job with the government.

With a masters degree in soil and land evaluation, and experience working for the Agricultural Research Corporation’s Land and Water Research Center (LWRC) in Khartoum, Ding was keen to help the region rebuild its agricultural research. But when he arrived in 2008 he realised that the task was actually to start from scratch and the living conditions were tough.

“It is very discouraging — completely the opposite of life outside here — and it is difficult to cope,” he says.

Although peace returned to Southern Sudan in 2005, several economically vital sectors in the region lag behind, even as the clock ticks towards the expiry of the five-year lifespan of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the north and the south.

As well as claiming 2.5 million lives, the war also drove 4 million people out of the region.

Attracting scientists back is proving tricky. A drive to lure scientists back to rebuild Southern Sudan’s agriculture has attracted just seven researchers so far.

“Those of us who found courage and returned cannot even find research equipment or facilities like the ones we had in the diaspora,” says Ding. “That is why a lot of my friends and colleagues are still there.

Worried by the dismal performance of the sector, Southern Sudan’s government has now looked abroad and brought in the renowned agricultural research scientist and plant pathologist, Joseph Mukiibi, the founder of Uganda’s National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), to run a new research institute.

The region ‘could feed East Africa’

Mukiibi, who once led NARO’s research on food crops, forestry and livestock, is now spearheading the re-establishment of a strategic agricultural research plan in Southern Sudan.

“We are to re-establish what existed before, we have to see what is on the ground, what network, which model do we want that will suit Southern Sudan best,” he says.

The government needs to start training its own people, or tap cheaper labour from neighbouring areas, he says.

“This region has a population of ten million people in an area three times the size of Uganda, which has 32 million people. A lot of Southern Sudan is empty land: if the government is serious, it can start agricultural projects here that can feed the rest of East Africa.

The real key, however, is to attract scientists back because, he believes, modern agriculture cannot succeed without research. Mukiibi believes the region has an untapped seam of highly qualified nationals who continue to live abroad.

“Very few people in the diaspora would be willing to leave their plum jobs and comfortable lifestyles to come back home. You can imagine that after 20 years of war, education is limited, people and resources are just not here, and those who are coming back need some time to settle back in.”

Making a start

And the working environment is indeed far from inviting. He recounts the grim state of a former research station in the town of Yei.

“I can tell you it’s empty, in a sorrowful state. There is a lab but it is in darkness. There is nobody and no research equipment, just some dilapidated staff houses, which are empty,” Mukiibi says.

“Can you imagine someone in the diaspora who has a fully functioning lab with running tap water and electricity? And you’re telling him to come to the bush where there is no power, and where he can run out of water and not even have a pit latrine?”

Many Sudanese scientists are proud of their nation but that is not enough. “They cannot eat nationalism,” Mukiibi says.

Human resources are limited but we will start with what we have. We will start small, with one centre, make it functional and, with the experience we get there, we will move to the next centre, learning from mistakes and strengths. We will ultimately build the system.”

Foreign input, indigenous priority

Mukiibi compares the Southern Sudanese experience to that of Rwanda after its civil war and genocide in the early 1990s. The Rwandans “opened up and got people from Uganda and Kenya even as they returned to be trained to take over the operations of their research institutes”, he says.

His team is now developing the strategic research plan, which must be completed by March 2011. It will be based on that of Kenya’s Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) and Uganda’s NARO, and it will be put out for discussion with stakeholders at every step — “that way, you have many chances of having it implemented”.

Other than Mukiibi and Ding, the team comprises a plant breeder, an entomologist, a horticulturalist and an agronomist, all of them Southern Sudanese who have returned since the war ended.

Loro George Leju Lugor, director general of research, training and extension services at Southern Sudan’s agriculture and forestry ministry, makes these points about the plan:

“First, we do not want to rely on imported seeds year in, year out. Second, we want to upgrade our national germplasm of indigenous crops. And third, we want to improve crop production technology for our own consumption and export.”

He says the emphasis should be on indigenous crops in the region’s six agro-ecological zones: green belt, iron-stone plateau, flat plains, Nile-Sobat River, hills and mountains, and semi-arid areas.

Moving into production

At the newly established research unit, Lugor says that seed production and the creation of a database of all locally grown crops will be a priority.

“We are distributing seeds proven to do very well in the agro-ecological zones after importing them from Uganda and Kenya,” Lugor says.

“The production of our own, locally bred seeds, and their distribution to farmers is not something we can do within a year: it will take two to three years to be fully established due to the many challenges involved in conducting research work in the situation we have in Southern Sudan,” he concedes.

Like Mukiibi, Lugor says challenges range from financial constraints, the diversity of the country, and lack of infrastructure and manpower.

Without returning professionals, he says, the region lacks the “think tanks” needed to plan and execute agricultural research work.

“We are making proposals to international research organisations and bilateral partners but it’s not easy to get the money needed. For example, we budgeted for US$56 million but have received a small fraction of this, so we are prioritising the crops and seeds we need to produce and develop.”

A number of non-governmental organisations and bilateral partners including the Dutch government, the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation, and World Bank and the US Agency for International Development partners have offered to assist in the research, says Lugor.

Others that have expressed interest, he adds, include international research organisations such as KARI, the International Livestock Research Institute in Kenya, the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa, in Uganda, the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, in Kenya, and the Kenya Forestry Research Institute.

The seven researchers who have made it home no doubt await these developments with great interest.

By Paul Jimbo - SciDev.Net

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In Science today, there's yesterday, there was an article called "Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books" [subscription required] by at least twelve authors (eleven individuals, plus "the Google Books team"), which reports on some exercises in quantitative research performed on what is by far the largest corpus ever assembled for humanities and social science research. Culled from the Google Books collection, it contains more than 5 million books published between 1800 and 2000 — at a rough estimate, 4 percent of all the books ever published — of which two-thirds are in English and the others distributed among French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Hebrew. (The English corpus alone contains some 360 billion words, dwarfing better structured data collections like the corpora of historical and contemporary American English at BYU, which top out at a paltry 400 million words each.)

I have an article on the project appearing in tomorrow's in today's Chronicle of Higher Education, which I'll link to here, and in later posts Ben or Mark will probably be addressing some of the particular studies, like the estimates of English vocabulary size, as well as the wider implications of the enterprise. For now, some highlights:

1. The team: The authors include some Google Books researchers (Jon Orwant, Peter Norvig, Matthew Gray and Dan Clancy), a group of people associated with Harvard bioscience programs (Jean-Baptiste Michel, Erez Lieberman Aiden, Aviva Aiden, Adrien Veres, and Martin Nowak), as well as Steve Pinker of Harvard and Joe Pickett of the American Heritage Dictionary, Dale Hoiberg of the Encyclopedia Britannica, and Yuan Kui Shen of the MIT AI lab. So it's dominated by scientists and engineers, and is framed in scientific (or -istic) terms: the enterprise is described, unwisely, I think, with the name "culturomics" (that's a long o, as in genome). That's apt to put some humanists off, but doesn't affect the implications of the paper one way or the other. I have more to say about this in the Chronicle article.

2. The research exercises take various forms. In one, the researchers computed the rates at which irregular English verbs became regular over the past two centuries. In another, very ingenious, they used quantitative methods to detect the suppression of the names of artists and intellectuals in books published in Nazi Germany, the Stalinist Soviet Union, and contemporary China. A third deals with investigate the evolution of fame, as measured by the relative frequency of mentions of people’s names. They began with the 740,000 people with entries in Wikipedia and sorted them by birth date, picking the 50 most frequently mentioned names from each birth year (so that the 1882 cohort contained Felix Frankfurter and Virginia Woolf, and so on). Next they plotted the median frequency of mention for each cohort over time and looked for historical tendencies. It turns out that people become famous more quickly and reach a greater maximum fame today than they did 100 years ago, but that their fame dies out more rapidly — though it's left unclear what to make of those generalizations or what limits there are to equating fame with frequency of mention.

The paper also presents a number of n-gram trajectories — that it, graphs that show the relative frequency of words or n-grams (up to five) over the period 1800-2000. ("Relative frequency" here means the ratio of tokens of the expression in a given year to the total number of tokens in that year.) By way of example, they plot the changing fame of Galileo, Dickens, Freud, and Einstein; the frequency of "steak," "hamburger," "pizza" and "pasta"; and the changing frequency of "influenza" (it peaks, in the least surprising result of the study, in years of epidemics).

The big news is that Google has set up a site called the Google Books Ngram Viewer where the public can enter words or n-grams (to 5) for any period and corpus and see the resulting graph. They've also announced that the entire dataset of n-grams will be made available for download. Some reports have interpreted this as meaning that Google is making the entire corpus available. It isn't, alas, nor even the pre-1923 portion of the corpus that's in public domain. One can hope…

At present, that's all you can with this. You can't do many of the things that you can do with other corpora: you can’t ask for a list of the words that follow traditional for each decade from 1900 to 2000 in order of descending frequency, or restrict a search for bronzino to paragraphs that contain fish and don’t contain painting, etc. And while Lieberman Aiden and Michel made an impressive effort to purge the subcorpus of the metadata errors that have plagued Google Books, you can't sort books by genre or topic. The researchers do plan to make available a more robust search interface for the corpus, though it's unlikely that users will be able to replicate a lot of the computationally heavy-duty exercises that the researchers report in the paper. But my sense is that even this limited functionality will be interesting and useful to a lot of humanists and historians, even if linguists won't be really happy until they have the whole data set to play with. Again, I'll have more on this in the Chronicle essay.

That's all for now… watch this space.


Reference research: research Dr. and health research and travel research and my social page

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When you consider starting a business then you need to do a little bit of research. The research will help you see how successful the business would most likely become. You can also find out the small details within a field regarding a business that we often forget or aren't aware of because the business isn't in operation yet. Here are ten ways to help you research a business opportunity.

1. Talk to experts that you know that are already in the field. You need to speak to people that are already in the type of business that you are interested in. You need to ask them questions. You want to know basically how it works from start to finish and any problems that the person may run into. You want to basically know what it is like on a regular basis to run a business. You need to talk to a few people in order to get a more in depth information. You need to speak to the owners of the business instead of just an employee since the owners does know exactly what goes on from day to day in the business.

2. See how profitable it is. You want to make sure that that the type of business that you want to start will make you enough money. The important thing is to consider if it is worth it depending upon how much time and energy you have to put into it. If the other businesses in the area are struggling to keep their doors open each day then it probably isn't a good idea since those other businesses don't generate enough sales or services rendered.

3. Can your company be better than the competition? You need to ask yourself that question. If every person in town always want to go a certain company for a certain item or even service then you need to become better than the competition. You want your customers to think that your company is better than your competition even with excellent customer service and cheap prices.

4. Does the type of business that you are interested in starting require a lot of funding in the beginning? Some companies are cheaper than others to start in the beginning. You need to figure out if you will have enough money for advertising and all the other expenses. You want to have enough money saved in the bank for your personal use too besides money for business. It is important to able to support yourself for basic living expenses along with being able to have enough money for your business too.

5. Will you be able to generate enough sales? Is their enough people in the city or town to offer services or items to the customers? You need to think about it. If your competition doesn't have a website then make sure that you have a business website. You always want to offer the next best thing or something else that they don't offer. If your competition doesn't offer credit accounts then you probably should offer credit accounts to business owners and individuals. You want to be different than your competition. If your competition doesn't advertise on radio then you need to advertise on radio.

You need to go to the city to look all the new companies that have been started recently within the last few years. Make sure to see how many of them ever renewed their business license. Look to see how many companies haven't been successful in the same field that you want to start a business in. You want to see many companies have been successful offering the same type of products or items. The records will give you a general idea of how well your company should succeed.

Reference research: finance research and computer research and shopping research and my social page

Hostgator Review


Many people argue that taking embryonic cells, even from a placenta, is morally wrong because it is killing a "child". But, in all honesty we need to ask ourselves: is an embryonic cell really a fetus? It's hard to think so. While life may begin at conception, life at that point is not far enough along in development to consider it a baby.

On the flip side, stem cell research stands to help thousands of people who are suffering from disease and disability. From genetic disorders to spinal injuries, it promises to bring hope into the lives of those who are struggling to get through each day.

We need to acquire some logic here. How is stem cell research going to kill a fetus that does not have a neurological system, a brain, any organs, a circulatory system? How is this a fetus? The stem cell is probably no bigger than a skin cell. Is a skin cell a fetus? No, of course not. It has life, true. But, does that make it a baby? No.

This topic has become a powerful argument over time and probably will continue to cause heated debates in the future. But, can we really deprive thousands of people from a cure to their devastating ailments because we want to play a game with semantics? A fetus without a brain or any other organs is really not a fetus, afterall. And, it is mighty selfish for the world to sit by and let a war of words hinder the health of living, breathing human beings whose only hope for a normal life is in the hands of stem cell research.

Reference research: research Dr. and home research and general research and my social page


research methods and statistics

You might be overwhelmed on how to research information for your book. It may be difficult in the beginning to know where to start at or even how to gather information. How to research information for your book is quite simple when you follow some steps. You need to write down a list of all of certain information that you want to be included in your book. Here are five tips on how to research information for your book.

1.Talk to experts. Make sure to put experts on that list to get information from. You want to be able to quote information and check facts with experts. Experts will add more value to the information in your book and also provide you with additional information. They are also great to get to know since you can learn more information from them. You want to write down their names correctly.

2.Get a tape recorder. You want to get a tape recorder when asking experts questions. The tape recorder will help you later on when you putting the information together in your book. It is also important to take notes while talking to the experts, but the tape recorder will help you pick up any information that you may have missed due to the person talking too fast or not being able to write fast enough.

3.Get a digital camera. You want a digital camera to take pictures for your book. A digital camera with pictures also may be able to help you describe something in your book better depending upon what topic your book is about. They are nice to have a picture to look at in order to put words regarding the picture.

4.Go to the library in your city. The library is the perfect way to get information regarding the topic of your book. You can also check current old and new information this way. Your library might be also to order a book for you if you can't find it in the library. Library is a great source to get allot of information for free without having to buy a ton of books. A library usually offers Internet access for free to find additional information. Make sure to check out the college library in your local area too. One thing that is great about a library is that they usually have old copies of newspapers.

5.Talk to neighbors and other people. Depending upon the topic of your book you can learn quite a bit of information from neighbors and other people. People will be glad to tell you information for free just to be able to see their name in your book. If you any people that are professionals in a certain field that you can use that opportunity to talk to them.

When gathering information then please make sure to keep it organized so you can keep track of it better. It may help to have file folders to keep everything separated so it doesn't get all mixed up. Out of all the information in your book the experts are the most important of it all. The experts makes your book hold more weight as far as being more accurate and also contains more knowledge so it is even more helpful to others.

Reference research: research Dr. and home research and sport research and recent update

All Topic

The tags should be easy to find by the Stumblers.

blogging feminism flyer by Liz Henry

So you think blogging is easy huh?

Well you may be right if you're speaking about the United States and/or any other western country - but in China - Wei Wenhua was beaten to death simply because he was taking a photograph.

Was he photographing a violent gang war? Was he perhaps leaking secrets out of the country?

No, it was none of these. In fact it wasn't for any reason that you might imagine. According to the Xinhua News Agency, Wei was beaten to death by city inspectors who were involved in a fracas with local villagers on Monday.

The Xinhua News Agency is the official press agency of the government (employing 10,000 people) in the People's Republic of China (PRC.) There is only one other, called the China News Service.

The Chinese internet chat rooms are filled with rage, with thousands of people expressing their anger at the killing of Wei, a forty-one year old executive of "Water Resources Construction Co."

Qi Zhengjun, chief of the urban administration bureau in the city of Tianmen, lost his job over the incident, Xinhua reported Friday. No details known as yet as to why he lost his job and what his involvement might have been. Police have detained 24 municipal inspectors and are investigating more than 100 in the violent death of Wei Wenhua.

The killing has also drawn the (angry) attention of an international freedom of the press group: Reporters Without Borders. In a statement, they said:

"Wei is the first 'citizen journalist' to die in China because of what he was trying to film."

"He was beaten to death for doing something which is becoming more and more common and which was a way to expose law-enforcement officers who keep on overstepping their limits."

While he was literally being beaten to death, the man who had been in the car with Wei - Wang Shutang, said that Wei was shouting that he would delete the pictures and hand over his phone. Another eyewitness said he could hear Wei scream: "I surrender!"

Still this didn't stop the murderers, also known as "urban management officers" or cheng guan. The central Chinese province of Hubei was the world stage for this horror and all because villagers were protesting the continuation of waste being dumped near their homes.

When the trucks began unloading the rubbish anyway, a scuffle developed beween the city inspectors and the villagers.

Wei had been trying to record the protest by filming the violence with his cell phone, when more than fifty municipal inspectors turned and beat on him for five minutes. Five minutes would seem like an eternity in such a situation. The blogger was dead on arrival at the Tianmen hospital.

The Northeast News web site has an editorial condemning the violence:

"It's no longer news that urban administrators enforce the law with violence ..."

"But now someone has been beaten to death on site. It has brought us not surprise, but unspeakable anger."

The latest news is that more than one hundred people are being investigated by the police and four have been detained."



Virtual Review:

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research and development

This month, I’m getting paid close to $100 just for filling out some personality inventories and wearing a special wristwatch that monitors light exposure and movement. A few months ago, I made a quick $10 by completing a 40-minute questionnaire about sexual behavior. And last year, I earned $25 for playing a strange computer game in a windowless room for several hours and answering a survey about it.

What do these situations have in common? They were all ways to get paid for academic research studies run by professors and graduate students at universities. While I can’t claim that it’s made me rich, participating as a subject in academic research studies has been an easy, socially beneficial, and even fun way to earn a little extra cash in my spare time.

Get Paid for Academic Research Studies: Is this legitimate?

The internet is littered with ads touting how to get paid for online surveys and other spam-happy “market research” run by greedy companies, but few of those opportunities are legitimate. Academic research studies, on the other hand, are designed to help scholars collect the vital data they need for their experimental work, with the money being offered as a way to compensate participants for their time. Instead of scoring a few uncertain bucks so a company can hone its products and advertising, why not assist our country’s nonprofit research institutions so we can learn more about fields like psychology, sociology, and medicine?

Get Paid for Academic Research Studies: How do I find them?

There are many ways to find out about academic research studies that will pay you to participate. From word of mouth to advertisements, you just have to keep your ears open and your eyes peeled. Here are some places to check:

- Craigslist for your community. 

- Bulletin boards. Look for flyers at coffeeshops, grocery stores, and other public spots – especially near university campuses.
- Public Transit. In urban centers, large and well-funded academic research studies may advertise their needs on trains and buses. 

- Internet Searches. Though you may turn up a lot of bogus results, it’s worth Googling around to see if you can get paid for academic research studies in your area. 

- Classified Ads. Check regular community newspapers, “alternative” newspapers, and specialty publications like college papers.

Get Paid for Academic Research Studies: Will they take me?

Each study looks for different types of subjects. There may be specifications based on age, race, physical/medical conditions, sexuality, geography, marital status, occupation, education, and a wide array of other criteria. Researchers are allowed to discriminate in selecting subjects for the purpose of their academic work, but if you look hard enough, there’s probably a study (or several) out there for you at any given point in time.

Typically, there is some sort of pre-screening process conducted via phone or email to ensure that you are compatible with the study and are able to participate. However, for the integrity of the academic enterprise, the researchers probably won’t be able to share exactly what they’re studying (other than general background), whether you’re part of a control group or not, etc. What they will tell you is what you’ll be asked to do, where you’ll be asked to do it, and roughly how long it will take.

Get Paid for Academic Research Studies: Are any of these studies online? 

It’s rare to find a paid university study that is entirely online, although it’s possible. I did complete one short, low-paying survey over the web, but the majority of my personal experiences as an academic research subject involved in-person interactions with university staff and sometimes some materials to take home and complete.

Get Paid for Academic Research Studies: How do I get paid? And how much?

Each study handles payouts different, but it’s quite unlikely that you’ll be paid on site or in cash. I’ve always been paid by check, usually 2 – 6 weeks after the completion of the requirements. At some point during your signup or actual participation, the researchers should inform you how and when you will be compensated. Otherwise, ask!

Pay obviously varies depending on the amount of time involved and what you’re asked to do – anywhere from lows of $5 to highs of several hundred or more. The more complicated, time-intensive, or personally invasive the study is, usually the higher the compensation is to boot.

Get Paid for Academic Research Studies: What about privacy?

A great deal of personal information is sometimes collected by the researchers because so many studies are related to behavioral sciences or medicine. Make sure you read any relevant privacy notices so that you understand how your personal information can be used, and don’t agree to participate unless you’re comfortable doing so.

Reference research: business research and law research and travel research and recent update

Social Bookmark Tool

research and development

Almost every fellow teacher I know holds a part-time job to help make ends meet. They work at corporate retail giants, or tending bar (yes, a first-grade teacher I know told me she makes more in two nights of tending bar than in one week of teaching), or working the register at the supermarket. Little Miss Bartender is the exception to the low-paid, slightly-embarrassing, part-time work rule for most teachers.

It's a problem, especially considering the brutal work schedule most teachers are faced with on a daily basis. (If you doubt it, ask a teacher you know; the profession is not what it looked like from your desk in the 3rd Grade.)

One solution is online income for teachers. The market force trend lines are unmistakable: the internet is becoming the preferred first stop for information, especially of the "how-to" variety. Money spent online increases about 25% a year, according to, which predicts Europeans alone will spend more than $407 Billion in 2011.

A demand for "how-to" information coupled with a supply of how-to lessons written and produced by teachers equals opportunity. Teachers should naturally own the how-to online market.

They don't, right now.

One obstacle is a lack of ecommerce marketing knowledge among teachers.

They often need some "how-to" on taking advantage of the opportunity. This article is the first in a series of articles designed to serve as a source of helpful information for teachers who would like to earn money in a more creative, interesting and profitable way than working for a big box store, or delivering pizza, or even tending bar. Because those late nights at the bar can get really old.

Teachers who want an online income should learn basic marketing research first of all -- it takes ten minutes

Teachers who have some ideas for online how-to articles, ebooks or videos should first of all divine whether there is a searching, paying market for the product. Suppose I wondered if origami video lessons had any interest on the internet. How would I determine whether there really were an interest?

Using a simple, online keyword research tool, teachers who want an online income can discover about how many searches per day are made for a particular keyword. That tool is at

Open the keyword generator tool linked above in a separate browser window.

In the search field, type "origami." Or use your own search term. Perhaps "crayon resist art," or "how to draw anything," or any other potential topic for which you may consider creating and marketing an online, downloadable, how-to product (ebook, audio, video, etc.) for a mid-sized (or larger) online income.

The results will return a lot of information. I want you to focus on only one piece right now: the overall daily estimate. That number shows you, obviously, a (good) estimate of the total number of searches (at the main search engines) performed with that keyword in one day. For "origami," my research today (it will vary over time of course) showed about 2,418 "origami" searches are performed every day.

That tells me there's a high level of interest in origami.

It's an indication there could be a paying market for good, downloadable, online origami instruction at the right price.

This isn't the end of your market research, necessarily. But it does tell you whether the topic for which you are considering producing an ebook, audio or video for online income has any "buzz" online.

Try other keywords associated with the topic for which you are considering making a downloadable product. "Origami" has few related terms. But let's try "paper crane." I just ran it through the seobook tool. The number of daily searches is estimated at about 26. Not as good at 2,418. But, over time, it's not a bad number of searches. Twenty-six multiplied by 365 equals more than 9,400 searches per year.

Clearly, trying to market an ebook or video on "origami" in general is far preferable to "paper crane." That's a fact we couldn't have known without the valuable tool at

So teachers: here's your homework. Come up with a list of five to 10 how-to topics on which you could write or produce an ebook or video. Then run related keywords through the seobook keyword research tool. Choose two or three topics which are shown by the tool to have a high degree of interest. Then come back to this article and follow up with more information on how to market them.

Some of the lessons will include:
-How to make a .pdf book.
-How to choose a website host
-How to design a simple, one-page website to sell your product.
-How to keep your expectations realistic. You won't get rich quick. But you'll do better than working at a big box store. And maybe even better than tending bar.
-And much, much more.

Reference research: beauty research and home research and general research and my social page

Website Directory Scanner

research triangle park

The similarities between scientific research and criminal investigation are the search for the conclusion or a cause of the effect. Both scientists and criminal investigators are specially trained in their field of practice. They tend to use similar methods of research and investigation the cause. Scientists as well as investigators both observe the surroundings, the facts, the areas involved in the research or investigations. They classify the data into categories this can be as simple as determining if it is valid or not valid. There is the use of logic, the formation of a hypothesis or a theory as to why and what has occurred. Both sides must link information together to prove their hypothesis or conclusions. Both scientists and criminal investigators work in a systemic method which seeks accurate answers, not general conclusions.

So how can you tell which is which? It's not really that difficult once you understand the basic principles. Scientific research is a type of investigation which is systemic and basis its research on scientific methods which have been used in the past, and in relation to the scientific field. This type of research can be described as well organized, methodical, and precise. Scientists begin with an idea, a theory or a hypothesis. Scientists begin with an observation or description about what they intend to study/research. From these observations they form a hypothesis to explain their subject. They use the hypothesis to predict what may happen in the course of the research. The scientist begins to experiment or run tests based on their predictions about the hypothesis. They may also collect data about their observations to show that the hypothesis is either valid or not.
Criminal investigations begin with gathering documents and information. They begin to evaluate the facts about the events, or the crime. They use a systemic method to observe the details of the crime, as in who what where when why and how. They begin to piece things together, by assembling the facts and determining if the evidence gathered is useful or not. The hypothesis begins to form at this point which helps to link all the information gathered to the crime. The hypothesis in this sense is used to create a theory as to what happened, and the ability to define what has occurred. The hypothesis is an important part of the criminal investigation. The reason is that the investigator must prove or disprove the theory/hypothesis. Even more important for the investigator is to find the missing pieces, that are not ready available at the time. The investigator must be able to draw conclusions about the events but they must also be able to prove that the events did in fact occur.

Reference research: research Dr. and computer research and shopping research and my bookmark page

Social Networking Movie Trailer

research methods in education 9th edition

You mean you had to GO to the library to do research?

Understanding Research Types:
Basic: Seeks to create new knowledge and is not directly related to technical or practical problems. Example: analyze the types of information systems used by people with disabilities.

Applied: Seeks to solve problems. Example: A study conducted on how information systems can be used to improve communication with people with disabilities.

Research Terminology:
There are many types of research and each type of research can utilize different methods for collecting information. This glossary can be utilized to clarify the research terms you may come across during your search. In addition, this glossary is a good resource for refining questions you may have of your professor regarding the assignment.

Case Studies: Examines in-depth the practices or trends of a single or limited number of groups. According to the Second Edition of the Dictionary of Sociology edited by Gordon Marshal, case studies include "descriptive reports on typical, illustrative, or deviant examples; descriptions of good practices in policy research; evaluations of policies after implementation in an organization; studies that focus on extreme or strategic cases; the rigorous test of a well-defined hypothesis through the carefully selected contrasting cases; and studies of natural experiments."

Empirical Studies: Research based on critical evaluation through observation or experimentation.

Experimental Research: Examines the relationship between two variables. This type of research conducts experiments on test and control groups to test a hypothesis about the relationship between two variables.

Historical or Interpretive Research Studies: By examining past events and procedures, this type of study attempts to predict future events or make suggestions for future actions. Types of historical or interpretive research studies include: biographical; histories of institutions and organizations; investigation of sources and influences; editing and translating historical documents; studying the history of ideas; or compiling bibliographies.

Qualitative Research: Observes the experiences of a particular group and attempts to understand the actions and reactions of the group. Field studies and ethnographic techniques are examples of this type of research.

Survey Research Studies: Examines small groups of the population in order to learn about the larger population. Observation of the smaller group produces data about the larger population. This data is used to predict future actions or results.

User Studies: Research that evaluates the way in which systems or institutions are utilized and how the needs of users can be addressed.

Identifying Research Articles:
Listed below are some clues to help identify research articles. However, it should be noted that numerous exceptions occur for all of the points listed below. Therefore, the following information should be used as a guideline when looking for research articles

Topic: Research articles tend to be highly specific in nature, relate to a particular field, or specialty within a field, and are written by authors who have done research in the field.

Audience: The target audience is other researchers, colleagues, students and specialists in the same field. Research articles are written for the scholarly community, rather than a general audience.

Language: The language of research articles is formal, generally does not use the first person, and includes jargon used in the field. Research articles are written to contribute to the knowledge base of the discipline.

Length: research articles can vary in length, but are typically five to fifty pages long.

Authors: Research articles may have numerous authors. The organization, institute or professional society the authors belong to will be listed.

Content: Generally the article is written at a sophisticated enough level that the reader will need to read the article more than once in order to understand and evaluate the article.

Identifying Refereed Journals:
Listed below are some clues to help identify refereed journals. However, it should be noted that numerous exceptions occur for any and all of the points listed below. Therefore, the following information should be used as a guideline when looking for refereed journals

Issue identification: Each issue has a publishing date, volume number and issue number. Generally a volume number is consistent throughout the calendar year, with each issue assigned a corresponding number e.g. vol. 55, issue 4.

Length: A refereed journal may have one to fifty articles, with most having eight to eighteen.

Advertising and graphics: Very little, if any, advertising is included in refereed journals. Any advertising that is included will directly relate to the field. Generally journals of this nature do not have photographs and use black print on white paper. The size of the journal may vary in size from a small paperback size to a large magazine format.

Table of contents: In addition to research articles, refereed journals may contain book reviews, literature reviews, and essays. Therefore, just because an article is published in a refereed journal, it does not necessarily mean that it is a research article!

Publishing: Refereed journals are usually published regularly - once a week, once a month, every quarter, or annually. The majority of journals are published four to six times per year and are often published by a professional society, organization or research institution.

Editorial board: Refereed journals have a peer review process. The editorial board is listed (generally at the beginning of the journal) along with the organizations they are affiliated with. Information about what types of papers are chosen for publication, the selection process, the length of papers accepted, and how to submit a paper is also provided.

Indexing: A listing of where the refereed journal is indexed is often provided.

Title: The title of a refereed journal usually has an "academic" sounding name.

Availability: The location, call number, and availability of the journal can be determined by using the online catalog.

Refereed Materials:
Refereed materials are publications reviewed by "expert readers" or referees prior to the publication of the material. After reading and evaluating the material, the referee informs the publisher if the document should be published or if any changes should be made prior to publication. Refereed materials are also referred to as Peer Reviewed. Refereed materials are significant to the research and the literature of library and information science because they assure readers that the information conveyed is reliable and timely.

Non-Refereed Materials:
Non-refereed materials such as Trade Journals or Magazines use less rigorous standards of screening prior to publication. In some publications, each article may be only screened by the publication's editor. While knowledgeable, no editor can be an authority on all the subject matter printed in a journal. Other non-refereed materials accept almost anything submitted in order to have something to print. The term "scholarly materials" is often used to describe refereed materials, but this term is not exclusive to refereed material. Non-refereed materials may not by scrutinized as intensely as refereed materials, but they can still be considered scholarly.

Locating Materials:
Databases are repositories of article information from journals, magazines, conferences, and sometimes books and newspapers. Databases cover a wide range of topics. Some databases offer a full text feature that links you directly to an article, so you can download and print it directly off the Internet. Explore databases that you use regularly to determine if they have this feature (usually denoted by an "FT" next to the article citation).

Evaluating On-line sources:
Online sources can be a valuable tool if you know how to accurately assess the value and validity of the online information source. In trying to determine the validity of a webpage, it is useful to see what type of organization publishes the page. Sites ending in .edu or .gov are generally more accurate and trustworthy than most, since they emanate from academic and governmental organizations. It is important to verify that you are not looking at a student page located on an academic server, which may or may not be as trustworthy as a page produced by the school. Another element to be cautious of when evaluating your potential source is bias. For example, if you are looking at a commercial site, are they accurately portraying information, or bending the truth to fit their needs? The next criterion to evaluate is accuracy. Begin by looking for spelling mistakes, poor grammar, and typos. Next, look at the sources quoted within the page. Are they well-known, trusted sources and people with expertise in the field at hand? If the page is valid, accurate, and published by a trusted source, then it is generally considered acceptable for research purposes.

Search Strategies:
Your search strategy will vary depending upon which database you are using. Research articles' abstracts & include terms that most non-research articles' abstracts do not. Some examples of these terms are methodology, hypothesis, research, experiment, etc. You can search the field "Words Anywhere" for these terms while simultaneously searching for the keywords of your topic. If you retrieve too many or too few hits, narrow or expand your search by adding or dropping search terms.

Reference research: beauty research and health research and shopping research and my social page

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research and development

Here are five topics for research in education. The perfect gift for the college student wondering what to select as a topic, or the educational professional seeking to enlighten us with a breakthrough or two.

What nutritional elements elevate learning abilities?

Are there foods that aid in the educational process? Certainly there are foods to be avoided, such as an excess of sugar and the caffeine laden drinks that send my fourth grade students bouncing off the walls. There are the “New Age,” well intentioned, but ill informed folks, who would have us eat nothing but dandelion leaves. There are the hucksters promoting their “overnight weight loss/increased sex drive/mind calming/IQ enhancing wonder diets,” each bearing the disclaimer, “these findings are not substantiated by scientific research.” But is there any real scientific data out there? I’d be fascinated to learn.

What methods most greatly encourage elementary school students to read for pleasure?

What is the psychology behind the impetus some students feel, and some students will never experience? Is there a proven existent paradigm for greater success? What are the latest and most promising approaches? How do I break down the reluctant reader and infuse them with a least a cursory desire to read? All of these questions spark my intense interest.

Are newly arriving freshmen college students better or more ill prepared academically than 1966’s freshmen?

Educators decry the state of affairs of all things educational, and routinely proclaim a crisis is coming or already upon us. But just as every generation in America has resisted and maligned the favored music of their offspring, I suspect this educational outrage is equally ongoing and unending. Is there data supporting the claims that today’s freshmen are more ill equipped to deal with college life?

How does physical movement benefit brain development in elementary students?

I was amazed to learn of the correlation between regular physical movement and brain development in young children. What programs exist that would aid in my bringing movement - and by extension, greater brain development – to my students? What are the latest research findings on physical education’s impact on other areas of learning? What is the physiology involved?

How does art instruction influence other academic progress?

I infuse all my courses with art, and have found it tremendously helpful in capturing the attention of my students. I want to learn more about how art impacts student development, both to make myself better able to utilize this tool and to give myself greater justification for using it. I want to glean all the latest and most well documented research that supports my view that art instruction compliments all other subject lesson planning, captures the attention of a segment of students who would otherwise remain apathetic, and broadens the academic universe of all students.

As this is one of my own personal favorite topics, I'll throw in a thesis, free of charge.   “Art instruction in elementary school curriculums – often among the first targets of politicians seeking to balance budgets – is a powerful and practical educational tool, with far reaching and often underappreciated benefits.”

Possible subtopics include art as a means to reach at-risk and otherwise educationally challenged students; how art instruction gives students a welcome respite from more difficult subjects, re-energizes and makes them better able to focus; how art education compliments and augments standard educationally required subjects; statistical data suggesting (or proving) that students who receive instruction in art have higher grades and do better on standardized tests (assuming this is demonstrable). 

Let's see some data collecting out there!

Reference research: business research and health research and general research and my social page

Website Directory View

account receivable collection - How Healthy Is Your Credit

There is only one way to discover the "health" of your loan. You should review your credit report. Your credit report of your "consumer identity" that lenders use to evaluate the potential worthiness.Use yourcredit these tips to improve your credit history of "tuning" you 2004.Tip # 1 - Check ErrorsYour report or profile credit more than a collection of his creditors, which are and how much to pay, or of acting first thing to do is check carefully thatyour credit file is correct.

Nearly 70% of credit reports contain errors may errors.These be as simple as a wrong middle initial or address. Or perhaps as serious as reports of creditors who are behind in payments, when in reality it is error all.This May does not seem a big deal for you. However, for the next lender, as mortgage lender, which makes all the difference! Carefully review your credit report if you find an error, contact your creditors and credit bureaus. Catchand correct these errors today, then it does not hurt your credit chancesof ensure future.

Tip # 2 - Correction ErrorsThe two most common errors contained in credit reports are: 1) an incorrect account information 2) the incorrect registration of payments.If later you will find reported by that does not apply to you, you should contact the grantor or the credit issuer. Remember, the research, account receivable collection, accounts, which are not personally open is a sign of possible identity theft.Hopefully found that this error is simply surveillance, rather than the problem of identity theft.

It is most often the case when you have an account belonging to a parent or person with a name similar to your report.If credit your problem is an error in reporting late payments, you will need evidence to support the cause of this error can be corrected or deleted. The most common error occurs when you pay as an "end", when in fact it was a current or "time" payment.In any event, this problem can and must be corrected. You must correct the errors in writing. Hold a journal or diary of all calls and correspondence.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires that credit bureaus and consumer reporting agencies of information in the credit bureau to correct inaccurate information in your credit report. It is therefore important to address both the credit bureau and the creditors, whose details are contained in a letter dispute.A included here, account receivable collection, to help you correct your credit history. sure of clearly identify the disputed information, including copies of receipts or documents that support your position.

This information is then asked to be corrected or deleted from your file.Send letter by registered mail and request a return receipt from the recipient . Keep all correspondence that is sent. Give institutions 30 days to begin their investigation. You can call them, but know that calling them does not protect your consumer rights! You must provide written notice to protect rights.They, account receivable collection, you must inform the results of its investigation. Although it will take time, it is important to do.

This is your credit profile, your "consumer identity" that is in question. Do not expect to correct errors itself.At your application, credit bureaus must send notices of corrections to your credit history for all who have requested your report within six months. If you apply for jobs and were rejected because of inaccurate information in your credit report, you can fix by mail for those who have received a copy during the past two years .+++++++++ + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++ disputes LetterDateYour NameYour example AddressYour, account receivable collection, city, state, zip CodeComplaint credit reports DepartmentName AgencyAddressCity, State, Zip Code and Coded Ladies gentlemen, I, I am writing to discuss the following information in my file.

These items are also surrounded by controversy in the attached copy of the report I received. (Specify item (s) deny the name of the source, such as creditors or tax court, and identify the types of elements, such as credit accounts, statements, etc.) This item is (inaccurate, account receivable collection, or incomplete) because (describe it is inaccurate or incomplete and why). I ask that this item be deleted (or request another specific change) to correct information.Enclosed are copies of (use

account receivable collection - In My Experience Cash Flow Is More Important Than Profit

"I cash my statement, account receivable collection, shows that the benefits of this month?" When I grew up in rural northern Georgia, one of my first works were hand-collected eggs in the henhouse. Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the process of Say It's no fun experience. Basically, you steal a chicken and an egg under, account receivable collection, the hen trying to save himself from death or cut shit. feather, it seems that the maternal instinct like other birds and do not welcome what is the nest and fly eggs.

Fortunately, technology has made the process of sending in home for 12 years for stealing eggs expired. Now, when the female lays eggs, which have miraculously disappeared from the nest by a trapdoor in the pipeline will be assembled in a safe, account receivable collection, and enjoyable. my happiness, I was just born too early in this technology! "So why is ready to unpleasant task at the tender age 12? for one reason and one reason, account receivable collection, only! farm owner CASH always paid me money, I was walking home with his father and showed him the money I had to work on the farm.

was a great experience! In the age of fourteen, I was tired of breathing, it seems hundred percent of the ammonia and the fight against chicken eggs. No matter how much money is at the end of the week was made in the egg business.The next summer, I created another company, service mowing lawns. In this company was small, I learned the true law number 15 - the cash flow is more important than profit. history looks like. I was about 10 customers. I would mow the lawn for them on a weekly basis at an agreed price.

I work during the day and for most of my clients, I want to get cash when I finished yard.For Some customers want the money back later, as they were at work during the day but not in the house to pay. For customers, I send a note with my bill, cut the grass and said he would gather all my clients money.While always gave me the date of payment depends on when I returned to resume during the week, during my summer cut account.One, I had the opportunity to go toSix Flags Over Georgia amusement park in Atlanta.

The only condition was that he had enough money to buy a ticket in cash upon arriving at the park Friday. I worked very hard this week to finish my lawn so I would have money to buy a ticket. For some, account receivable collection, reason, this week, most of my clients were not at home when mowing the lawn. I left a note by the usual, and I told them I was taking before Friday. For some reason I can not collect money on Friday. Frankly, I do not remember the circumstances of why he can not raise money.

I remember I could not go to an amusement park because they were not interested in my accounts receivable aging report as payment for the ticket. S when I learned the law No. 15 - Cash flow is more important than profit. On paper, I have the same level of benefits, as in all other weeks. I did not reduce the number of feet, pay the same amount of money and have the same charges. There is only difference, I will not have sufficient cash flow to go to an amusement park. (apparently it costs and the problem, or it could use money from the previous week.

) This is a very simple example of a trap companies fall all the time. revenues and receivables is not the same as cash. And if the Kroger down the street begins to take on a debt as payment for food, cash is more important than profit.Note drive - I understand that if my costs are always greater than the sum of money from mowing lawns, would never be done. Profit is important but not as important as cash flow, if you want to go to the park

account receivable collection - Fico Soon To Ignore Credit Of Authorized Users

To maintain the integrity of the process of developing a credit report, Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) has announced major changes to its formula, which will be implemented later this year.Unbeknownst for most consumers, many organizations unscrupulous credit repair used a practice called rent credit. This process offers bad credit ratings to customers who added his name on the credit ratings into account as an authorized user. The body of the account holder and the load and the customer receives the benefit of the credit reporting grew by association.

This is unethical, another term may be applied to this practice. Fraud.Since FICO credit institutions considered to provide an accurate assessment of the situation of persons to receive credits, which are reaching the first and probably the final blow in this battle of handling credit. At the end of 2007, FICO test their new formula with one of the three major credit reporting agencies. Thus, the undisclosed agencies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, to install a new update to the formula, Fico, and therefore cease to apply the positive benefits of user accounts allowed.

In two other agencies to install the latest news, probably in early 2008, the credit car Games chalk over.So for banks. They managed to expel from fraudulent activity. With a small wave effect.30% of the U.S. population, at least one account in your credit report is listed as an authorized user. Credit earned in the account will, account receivable collection, disappear. The spouses, children and grandchildren who will see your credit score had decreased significantly. They would be affected should take immediate steps to their land claims before this update to take effect.

Spouses will probably be the group most affected. This has been a common practice that the financial activities of families, grouped in a row member. This upgrade will significantly reduce, account receivable collection, the credit rating that much of these limits spouses.To following damage faster than current users are allowed to put their own credit. Given the credit history of a large part of the formula Fico, it would be advisable to open a new account with the same credit institution which has allowed the current account.

If necessary, the primary account holder to commit to a new account as a signatory. Subprime credit card or proximity may be a good solution for those who can not benefit base account.Spouses may have a unique opportunity to restore their credit. When you request your own credit card, most applications will ask the family income, the combined income of both spouses. This may have the occupation of housewives, who may be selected. Using, account receivable collection, these elements and add the bread winner,, account receivable collection, and for beginners joint second, the odds of getting approved are very new good.

Once grenade to eradicate the ant institutional boring masses of innocent people suffer consequences. Banks will see a slight decline in almost non-performing loans, and nearly one third of the population will see your assessment of loan portfolios and victims.

account receivable collection - Choosing The Right Business for You

You've decided to lose their rights - be your own boss. He moved to corporate America. But what business you want to start? You hope to turn their hobby into a profitable business? Buy an existing business? Buy a franchise and benefit from existing franchisor's, account receivable collection, brand identity? Choosing the right company for your life changing decisions that affect you long, so you need to do serious soul-searching before making that, account receivable collection, decision.

Some questions: What am I passionate? What I do not? What life skills I have, I'll help my business? Do I need money for start-up costs? What is my ultimate goal - financial freedom, more time with his family, the prestige of business ownership? The answers will help guide the choice of type of business for you. You are basically three choices: Start your own business. Many entrepreneurs are attracted by the possibilities of home business as a consulting firm,, account receivable collection, layout, writing, virtual assistant business, childcare, fashion design, or use Mystery Shopping, and others provide a brick and traditional mortar, which attracts pedestrians, and in the mall or other high traffic zone.

Each type of implementation has its advantages and disadvantages but the advantages and disadvantages of starting a business are the same: Advantages: You can become a master. You have full control over the activities of the company. You decide where you want to work, what time will work and what services and products you offer. You can work as much or as little as you want. Disadvantages: financial risk - the initial costs can be high, especially if you open a store outside their home, and before business starts making money, you have to cover all costs (including his own salary) .

You must create a brand identity and attract enough customers to keep their business alive. It will take more time to build the company from the start to open or acquire a franchise after an operation key. Buy an existing business. This may be an attractive option for new entrepreneurs, it is not related to the research and the basis for the launch. Advantages and disadvantages of buying an existing business are: Advantages: you are directly and start a business already in operation. No speculation or long-term planning involved before departure.

Financing May be easier to get on the registry of the existing society. Have you already installed base of customers and existing structures in your daily life. You can adjust the company to meet its own needs, if you still meet the needs of customers who "bought". CONS: The purchase price may be steep. As the owner of an existing business has already made an initial investment and build the personality of the company and its customers, the purchase price can be much more than start their own business.

The existing debt. When you buy a company that is already running, you do not buy only the assets of the company, you are also responsible for the debts of the company, as well. It is essential that you do your work - the desire for due diligence - to learn everything you can about the company reputation and outstanding debt before buying. Bad Debts. Once again, his accomplishments diligence should include money owed to the company and the seniority of the debt they have. Although the assets of its accounts receivable to the company, if you can not collect, they are really responsible.

Buying a franchise. Owning, account receivable collection, a franchise can be profitable with a financial standpoint, especially if you have a good place, and it is well known name in its market. You can buy a product or a franchise, in which case you buy the right to sell their products such as candles, supplements, herbal, nutritional beverages, detergents, etc., or you can buy the format of events Blimpie franchise like Starbucks or KFC or. Advantages and disadvantages of franchising are: FOR: the instant name recognition.

People who are already familiar and comfortable buying well-known companies as clients, has already prequalified. In most cases, especially in a business format franchise, the, account receivable collection, franchisor provides the business experience, including marketing, training, assistance

account receivable collection - The Great Bank Robbery

A few weeks ago I wrote an article on banking. I woke up a hornets nest and has received countless letters from people who are very concerned about problems with your bank. Today I want to follow my previous article, as well as consider some new topics in this topic.1. Debit Card Overdraft FeesThis, of course, the theme of the first complaint I get. I will not tell you, most banks will benefit from an overdraft on your debit card. What it does is allow the prosecution to go when you have money in the account to cover them.

A single charge out of equilibrium may lead to higher rates, the stakes are higher rates. One of the examples that I shared in my previous articles about the man, because of the nearly $ 400 in overdraft fees total $ 10 on your debit card. A new law on credit cards, which come into force in February, requires banks to offer customers an opportunity to advance more limited programs. This law applies only to credit cards, but lawmakers are considering law enforcement debit cards.From Los Angeles Times: "For holders of debit cards, the burden of paying overdraft fees has increased 35 % over the last two years, reaching 24 million per year national past, a new report by consumer advocates, account receivable collection, said.

dues collected primarily in small transactions at ATMs not produce big gains for banks and credit unions, but also create a financial burden for the 51 million Americans who exaggerate their bank accounts each year, "said Durham, North Carolina Center for Responsible Lending." From the Houston Chronicle: "It is true that few time after the Senate Banking Committee, Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., announced a bill that restricts the overdraft fees, the Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo voluntary change some rules regarding the timing and much to charge customers for cost overruns.

Three quarters of the fees that banks charge on debit cards and savings and current accounts with overdraft charges ahead, according to a survey of 462 banks in November by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. "Since the site Federal Reserve System: "An example: Suppose you forgot that it is only $ 15 in your account and wrote a check for $ 25, use an ATM to get $ 40 cash, and uses his debit card to purchase of $ 30 purchase. In these 3 transactions you've spent a total of 95 million - and found his account for $ 80 ($ 95 - $ 15 = $ 80).

How much is your forgetfulness? If you have a protection plan courtesy overdraft, the bank can decide on all transactions 3. And each of 3 found cost. You'll, account receivable collection, need their bank, $ 80, what happened, even if it was not in his account, plus 3 percent of overdraft fees. If the overdraft fees is $ 25 per overdraft, you need the bank to $ 155: $ 80 + $ 75 (3 x $ 25). Strategy: the exclusion of any overdraft program is installed on your debit card. If your bank does not allow you to refuse to close account.

2. FeesForbes ATM reports, account receivable collection, that Bank of America now charges $ 3 When a client uses an ATM of another bank. Of course, this does not include fees charged at ATMs of other banks, which may be an additional $ 2 to $ 3. Imagine the withdrawal of $ 20 and save $ 5 costs (25%) to access your own money! Strategy: Use ATMs in a bank or obtain money for purchase.3. consider discontinuing the use of checks is to present a check to the bank and the merchant was brought to A.

You might eventually yield $ 70 or more for returned checks. We recommend using a debit card to pay any accounts or pay bills online. There is little reason for anyone to monitor the use of these days. It is a simple step you can take to greatly reduce the chances that your bank the power to absorb you. Personally, I have no control. We, account receivable collection, n 'have, account receivable collection, not used the control in our house, at least two years. Another option is to pre-paid debit cards.

Visa Prepaid (Full Disclosure: they pay the sponsor of my podcast) .4. Beware free checks and other OnsBanks Come load is characterized by high costs, in general, consumers want to appear friendly. offering something for free, then beaten with

account receivable collection - ezBackOffice Announces Availability of ezCash 4.6 - Easy-to-Use Collections Software Builds Working Capital

Bryn Mawr, PA via PR Web Direct) September 15, 2004 - ezBackOffice names, company, account receivable collection, management software, today announced the availability of ezCash version 4.6, its solution for Web collaboration software that enables companies collect their past due accounts receivable quickly and efficiently.The the latest version of its field application for Control Panel includes a provision for role-based, functional strategies and a rich collection, and continued, account receivable collection, emphasis on ease of extension panel use.

With role, all users are ready for comprehensive information and consistent critical functions they serve in the company. The information is so vast and collecting selected today for the whole company or as refined as non-performance loans, which must be followed immediately. Interface Moreover, all such information and cooperation can be freely distributed through a browser on the basis of all departments within the, account receivable collection, organization. This ensures that your employees are aware - in real time - to any collection or customer satisfaction problems communicating with improvements in the collection ezCash clientes.

La strategy enables companies to harmonize strategies dynamically collect customers - driving some collectors. This consistent and balanced approach to the collection process greatly improves the use of sensors and productivity. The strategy defines the different types of customers, collectors can focus on the level of effort appropriate to each client, collections.Release most common 4.6 shows our commitment to provide turnkey solutions that enable organizations to improve cash flow, reduce days of sales and increase the working capital available.

This is the latest version simplifies common actions, streamlining navigation to reduce clicks, including logic and increases convenience for users, making applications ezCash easier to understand and use. This means that collectors can communicate with customers over an hour - that means more working capital for your business! About ezCash ezCash Software is a network on Internet sharing software application that enables our customers to do what others do - to collect their outstanding accounts receivable faster.

Acceleration is produced by the organization and setting priorities for collecting, monitoring promises to customers, and monitoring promises. Intuitive pictures for online visibility to key information, such, account receivable collection, as copies of invoices and send, reduces time spent searching for documents and to increase contact with customers per hour. By sharing their knowledge on the current account, a business can take coordinated actions to not only make collections quicker, but also to improve relations with customers.

EzBackOfficeezBackOffice about what software and services company offering innovative web solutions that enable Fortune 5000 companies to achieve significant improvements in their back office operations. Our solutions are designed to benefit mid-large enterprises. EzCash our credit and collection solutions enable our customers to extract greater value from their transactions, bills of credit, which significantly reduces operating costs and accelerate cash flow. ezBackOffice solutions are designed to run on Microsoft (MSFT) Windows 2000 and 2003 operating systems and a simple interface with industry leading, account receivable collection, ERP solutions from Oracle (ORCL), PeopleSoft (PSFT) and SAP (SAP ).

The exception of historical information contained in this release, there may be applications that do not give due weight to all potential risks, including but not limited to, product demand and market acceptance, rapid technological change, competition and integration of acquired companies. Actual results to differ materially May This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding ezBackOffice that involve risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to, fluctuations in quarterly results, manage the growth of market demand for certain products and other risks.

Forward-looking statements are made in the hope of the "safe harbor" of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. He warned potential investors that the forward-looking statements are not

account receivable collection - Transnational Financial Network Reports $0.11 First Quarter EPS

Transnational financial network protocols of, account receivable collection, $ 0.11 for the first quarter EPSSAN Francisco, California September 2003 - Transnational Financial Network, Inc. (AMEX: TFN), wholesale and retail mortgage lending, reported in the first quarter Fiscal ended July 31, net income of $ 714,727 or $ 0.11 per share, a significant improvement compared to $ 294,000 or $ 0.04 per share, missing the period a year earlier. Excluding the accounting for derivatives under SFAS 133, accounting has no effect on cash flows TFN, the earnings per share would be $ 0.

12 this quarter compared to a loss per share $ 0.06 for the same quarter of previous year. Jose Kristula, President and CEO, commented: "In the last quarter was a period of strong contrasts and changes in transnational corporations and the mortgage industry, and we all adapt our strategies business accordingly. " Our origins that during the past quarter, or near record levels for our business in retail and wholesale, reflecting a frenzy in the mortgage market has created a record low rates for financing a loan.

With rising interest rates material from mid-June, we saw a crash of applications, as consumers tried to fix mortgage rates before they multiply. This has undoubtedly contributed to the emergence of very strong for us in the last part of the quarter. "But now we see the effects of the crush, like waves on the beach behind, as consumers try to cope with new higher mortgage rates. Today we have nearly 80 million worth of loans approved by our online consumers are not stuck waiting and hope to repay.

This has a negative impact on our current average mortgage, and I hope that our mortgages are affected significantly short term due to this uncertainty. A week increased interest rates remain at historic lows and the housing market remains strong, but 9 of recent prices of the landscape has changed considerably. "We have almost 90% to meet their obligations in advance of delivery similar to that which was $ 0.06 per share to our earnings in the fourth quarter of last year, revenues are not represented in the first quarter.

Even if I am convinced that we can receive a bonus of this obligation in the second fiscal quarter of the current uncertainty in the mortgage market does not allow me to predict with certainty at this time we do. "Assuming that the markets turn, as they did, we have maintained, account receivable collection, a tight control on our costs and, consequently, increased, account receivable collection, efforts in recent years. In conjunction with the recent decline of origin, which began to reduce costs significantly in early August, in order to maintain profitability, including control of wages and benefit costs.

We continue to strengthen our costs in general and administrative expenses and salaries and benefits in the future. "Moreover, although this would be a difficult time for all participants in the mortgage market, we think it will give us significant opportunities that previously were not available for us to win market share. First we expect many people to be released following the market turmoil. In spite of our discipline in the management of wages and salaries, we are looking for mortgage professionals with experience which directly increase production.

We have recently hired several, account receivable collection, additional representatives through our wholesale side, people were not available when the markets were so strong. Secondly, we are already witnessing the restructuring of the company itself specifically requested. This allows us to capture additional market share in existing regions and new markets we enter, as the State, account receivable collection, of Washington. "With costs under strict control and efficient claims, which are generally collected in 30 days for a total of 6 million, or $ 0.

89 per common share at quarter-end, I believe we are well positioned to overcome the current difficult situation, and turn in our favor. "In Parallel with this release, financial crime is the presentation on Form 10-QSB with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Transnational Financial Network, a

account receivable collection - 7 Essential Steps to Starting Your Own Business

Step 1: Let's get started ... Basically, this is a good place to start thinking ... This may seem silly, but neglect the importance of the exit, and I think that's probably why 86% of new cases of companies not in the first year ... Each year about 500,000 people a step and start your own business and are only 60000. My goal is to help you be in 60000. I want to succeed so you can tell others about themselves and what should I offer through my business - it is my success! So let's start .

.. It may not seem at first the airport without the training, where to go, working on the best tours and booking the right, as this would create a company, not knowing what the company really is. So the first thing I do is put on paper and answer the following questions. These questions are designed to test your unconscious mind, and answers can be helpful when asked: "What is your occupation?": 1. What exactly is your business? 2. Who specifically for your company? 3. What products and services you offer? 4.

What is your evidence to show that people need and want? 5. Who are your competitors? 6. What is the price? 7. What is your primary objective? 8. Where are you now compared to the achievement of this objective? 9. When this has been achieved? 10. As for this business allows you to do? 11. What are the resources? 12. If your business is green for you, your family and the world? Step 2: Plan ... Disney Walt Disney, American-inspired, not only for its film production and animation, as well as for his vision, account receivable collection, and entrepreneurial spirit .

Disney has been an excellent strategy for any purpose, creative thinking, and I found surprisingly effective in the planning, account receivable collection, of any new business. I like to dream big things when it comes to my business, but sometimes it can lead to menu of small detail missing in May to surprise my plans into chaos. Disney strategy has been modeled following Robert Dilts, NLP trainer popular in America, and saved me from dreaming big and ignoring reality. These steps for you or a friend to go to the next stage of its activity preparation.

Think your business potential. Disney's strategy, account receivable collection, is well suited to any situation where you need to reach plan.Choose different 3 with a place on earth to move and make room for each of the following labels: 1 Space: Space Dreamer 2: Realistic Zone 3: Standing in CriticStart dreamer position.This when you create opportunities. Here's a visionary,, account receivable collection, seeing the whole picture. Be creative without restrictions. position that the dream of most systems use visual representation.

Ask yourself, "What do I want?" "What do you think? Record your thoughts thoughts.Shake these trembling body and jump and down.Then go to position.This really organize your projects, assess what is really possible, constructive thinking and develop a step - step plan of action. the more realistic position, using the feeling (kinesthetic) the system of representation. Ask yourself: "What can I do to make these plans a reality?" How do you feel? "Shake Your Body Shake these thoughts down.

Finally jump and go to position.This critical position in terms of 'test. You are, account receivable collection, looking for problems, difficulties and consequences of higher quality. Think about what can go wrong, what is missing and that payments will be. plight of the majority representation system uses dialogue or internal auditory . Ask yourself, "What could go wrong?" Step 3: Make necessariesYou should now have a list of answers to my questions, and we have three different views on the structure of your company Disney.

With all these advantages, I think he should be ready for one of two things: pass the final test below, and if you really want to start your own business, lead to stage.or subsequent return of his day job. It is better to know now if your company will realize your dreams or not. plow in a lot of money in a business that can never succeed is a fool's game. If you have any questions now, contact us. We're here to help and offer our honest advice - Run your, account receivable collection, own business is not an easy option and sometimes it just is not worth it.

Make sure at this point that you have the desire, determination and the right mentality to take the plunge. Once you do, there is no way back - rewards

account receivable collection - Getting Medical Facilities Out Of The Collection Business

Sugar Land, Texas, April 14, 2004 - "There is hope for many other health care providers face an alarming increase in insurance premiums, co-treatment. With the increase of salaries, additional staff to collect rare opportunity to recover their losses, and most of the debt simply discarded or transferred outside collection agencies that return only a small percentage of the remainder. most medical institutions, agreeing that they do not want to be in business and the collection is not very good at it.

Today, the new third party relationships with patients, reduces the risk of self-pay balance on a grant basis for provider and improves the flow of liquidity through a significant part of your existing balances to them. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation in 2003, the prize for his work on health benefits increased by 13.9%. It is the third consecutive year of increase Double-digit premium rates and higher growth than any other year since 1990. increase premiums in 2003 exceeded the overall inflation rate of nearly 12 percentage points of the age.

We all know that the costs health care is increasing at an alarming rate. Nobody understands better than insurance companies who have to pass these cost increases to their policyholders in the form of higher premiums. As companies across the country to meet the load insurance premiums have increased employee health, the benefits of coverage are often reduced and costs increased cooperation of individual franchises. Much of the burden of rising costs of medical care is transferred to those seeking medical care.

reduced and increased cooperation of individual services franchise provides a greater burden on policyholders who face a significant loss of income due to higher contributions. Health professionals are now in faced with growing concern the amount of the insurance surcharge are not paid. increase in expenditure and earnings downward. the loss of adequate in many cases, threaten the survival of their business, but your choice of several years, often unacceptable. Many ISPs hire expensive personnel for collecting payments, account receivable collection, from their patients, only to discover that the collection rate is too low to justify salary.

other publishers spend their collection agencies, debt, which returns only a small percentage of their debt. Disappointed,, account receivable collection, some suppliers simply write off debts and trying to survive by reducing the cost of patient care. The process of collecting surcharges salary insurance, many providers of health care or loss of constant voltage valuable relationships with their patients. Patients often complain that he could not understand what is expected of them, and suddenly, introduced a bill that does not and can not pay, account receivable collection, .

coupled with the loss of income, loss of customers and patients often creates downward spiral that the firm can not recover.Necessity responds to many providers of health care in the form of a new relationship with the patient third maximum cash flow for the company, at no additional cost. This organization is incorporated into any account that your debt to the U.S. healthcare process of Risk Management professional self-pay balances. When a, account receivable collection, patient enters the waiting room or admissions office has submitted documentation that fully explains the attitude.

They understand that a third manages claims by a health worker, is exactly what its obligations, account receivable collection, will be paid, and options Payment may be available for them. the patient enters into contractual relations with third parties prior to the treatment provided. If the patient does not meet the full amount of payment provided to manage debt is taken account provider time.Information software and receive regular evaluation. Thus, an important part of his self-approved pay immediately available to the business.

Paid balances are delivered within a few days. The result is a company to manage cash flow, no additional cost or increase manpower.Just as important as cash flow is that funds are managed by professionals with a third party with no little effect on the relationship between the caregiver and patient care. This leads to higher rates high patient retention, which enables companies to grow, as it should.

account receivable collection - Mortgage Credit Repair After Experiencing Mortgage Servicing Hell

First, Frank and Janet thought it was a simple mistake. Their mortgage was recently sold to a new company with a new provider. As your lender, who sent in their mortgage payments personal check between the first and fifteenth of the month the payment was issued on the exercise, which will be obtained only agreed.Around 20th day of the month, while a mysterious appeal was received on his answering machine stating the time payment was not received, and penalties for late payment, which must be applied and charged and they had to make immediate payment.

Ok, Frank and Janet reasoned that the payment may have been lost in the mail. Sometimes this is the first time in two years that the payment was deferred, account receivable collection, . Frank and Janet have credit problems, three years ago and found it necessary to hear the sub-prime loan to buy the house they currently live. Thus, it was a sub-prime lender, and all that happens. Shortly after, Frank and Janet called customer service and were able to conduct an audit line debit payment and late payment directly from a checking account.

At a rate of 5% at the end amounted to $ 62.50. Frank said a representative of mortgage they have stopped monitoring the settlement and told them that the flag has no checks and deposits, in particular (from 10,224 # check number of 2 by months), when the payment is to put a "Stop" on it. After the call, you call your bank and stop "payment" box. It will cost $ 25. Five days later,, account receivable collection, another call came in the mortgage service company said they had deposited the check in the mail, and it came after charges of $ 50 per transaction, because n ' has not occurred.

Talk to nothing because there were no records, account receivable collection, anywhere.Frank and Janet looked at collectively rolled their eyes, and an oral examination of what happened. Janet Frank asked the rhetorical question: "Can you believe?" The next month rolls around and this time Frank and Janet make a special effort to send the mortgage payments almost the first day of the month. About 20 th day of the month Frank and Janet had another call from the company servicing the mortgage again indicates that the payment has been received and will never have another late charge.

The discussions get very hot with Frank leading free. Franco asked to speak with the head relative to the second round of the mismanagement of the monthly mortgage payment. The head is not useful to require verification has been received. Frank and Janet was determined not to take a Another stop payment "in this area and costs $ 25. Do not get no satisfaction, Frank said the head of customer service in mind within seven days to see if you have received and published. Seven days later Frank called and checks were received and published, but late, account receivable collection, fees will apply.

Another $ 62.50 late fee will be applied. Frank, account receivable collection, and his mother Janet, for faith, but also relieved that the check had been received. What could happen next month, that wondered.The Frank and Janet decided to forward the mortgage payments for one week up to 1 mortgage service companies much time to receive and send the payment in terms. From 20 of this month, he received a phone call from a mortgage company services stating once again, the payment was not received.

Frank and Janet were out of them. At that time, Janet asks to speak to a supervisor. Manager explained that the check had been received. Leader Janet pressed further, "it is a constant problem with other suppliers? There was a long pause, the silence of the head, and then "UhnoI not think so." Janet was not happy with any of the answers, and what happens with, account receivable collection, this new mortgage company and is determined to get to the bottom of the Phantom loads "of late.

Worse yet, the month following the expiration of thirty days has been reported to credit bureaus. Frank and Janet is involved in repairing your credit campaign.Immediately own mind, after hanging up with the head of Janet and Frank went online and began studying the company for any information which shed light on what happens. A series of essays and articles on complaints concerning the content of this enterprise. ton of business services have not added new staff to manage it. The time and payments been folded and untouched.

Problems and complaints mounted. State and federal agencies need